Light Meadow Oak EvoCore End Profile
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Introducing our quality EvoCore End Profiles, luxuriously designed to match your new EvoCore flooring giving the finish a touch of class! End Profiles perfectly cover any gaps that have been allowed for expansion in areas where your floor meets an exterior door, creating a flawless finish to your room. All of our EvoCore End Profiles measure 900mm in length, 35mm in width with a total thickness of 11mm.
Full Specifications+
Accessory Type
Door Profiles
Use With
Wood Plastic Composite
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Accessory Warranty
Our wear warranty has been created to provide you with peace of mind that our quality product is ready to stand the test of time.
With proper care and maintenance, we guarantee against any hidden defect that may adversely affect the life of the product.
If you have any questions, please get in touch! For a detailed explanation and warranty exclusions, please visit our terms page.